
Where Did He Go?

I've always been the type to give someone chance after chance after chance when we're in a relationship together. If I'm really putting my everything into it then of course I'm going to do my best to make sure that it works and everyone messes up but when does it become too much? When is it just obvious that the relationship has run it's course?

The #1 rule that I never break is that once you become an ex, you stay an ex. I've never gotten back with any ex-boyfriend after the 1st time because I gave them all the chances they needed the 1st time around and they steadily continued on doing the same thing. I've heard that I"m a good girlfriend, that I did more than they expected from me (whatever that means).

I wouldn't say that I'm picky when it comes to guys that I date because all of my ex's have been different with certain similarities but I do have standards. Am I wrong for not wanting to give a relationship with an ex another shot? I mean I get that people grow up and change but can they really change their values? I believe that once someone shows you the type of person that they are at the heart, they will always be that way: is that wrong? I know I'm not perfect and I'm not looking for someone who is but is it wrong to want a partner who's values matches yours?

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