
Balloon Boy Hoax

So it seems that yesterday everyone was enthralled by the story of "Balloon Boy". I'm just gonna give a quick run-down of the story and then speak my mind...so! Father makes helium ballon, brother says boy got in balloon, balloon flies for a while, military and local cops come out to try and bring the balloon down, balloon finally does come down and surprise no little boy inside, little boy is found in attic at own home, later on during interview little boy says that he stayed hidden because "you said we were doing this for the show."

WTH?!?! I can't really speak on if it was a hoax or not but that SURE is the way it's looking. If so, those people are going to be in alot of trouble with the cops for wasting police time and energy for something that was a prank. I can't really be mad at that baby because he was just doing what his parents told him but damn...*smh*

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