
BlogSwap Day!

This was my 1st ever blog swap and I was soo stoked for it! I ended up with the wonderful partner of Angela. I guess you can say I got lucky because she's a complete sweetheart too! Check out my post over at Craving the Cupcakes and the rest of her blog. Guarantee you'll love it!! Here's her contribution to our swap so enjoy!
I feel like I’m a 35 year old mother trapped in a 23 year old Nanny’s body.

-I’d rather have my friends over for a dinner party on a Friday night than go out to a bar.

-I have an obsession with Kitchen Aid stand mixers. My boyfriend recently bought me one, and I named her Lola.

-My only interaction with adults at work are when I’m picking up the youngest boy from Kindergarden. We talk about sales on granola bars at Walmart and sleeping habits of the kids.

-I’m obsessed with baking. Butter is like gold in my apartment. No sooner do we buy it than I am in the kitchen baking something with it.

-I’ve recently taken up cross stitching.

-I’m perfectly content staying home on a Saturday night with my boyfriend doing absolutely nothing.

-I love family dinners. I’m looking forward to Christmas because I can’t wait to have everyone together for a big meal.

-I need a cup of coffee first thing in the morning to help me wake up.

-I can cook lunch with a baby on my hip.

-I’ve changed more diapers than most childless people that I know.

-I carry bandaids in my wallet, hand sanitizer and a Tide to Go pen in my purse.

-My “breaks” at work consist of my sitting in another room for all of two minutes before one of the kids come screaming my name.

-My favorite blogs are the decorating and design blogs.

I’ve recently come to realize that it’s ok to embrace my mother hen qualities. My friends love it when I show up with baked goods. Those bandaids in my wallet, hand sanitizer and Tide to Go pen in my purse have come in handy more often than you realize, and not just while I’m at work. I know a ton about raising kids, and I don’t even have any of my own yet. When I finally complete my cross stitching project, I’ll actually have something I am proud to display and tell people that I made on my own. More people are obsessed with coffee than you realize. I know when the best time to buy granola bars are. My friends and family love me for my quirky qualities, and I hope that over time you guys can too. I’ve made up for the fact that I feel like I’m a 35 year old mother by going to a sex toy party last night. Just don’t tell my own mother that. She thought I was going to a birthday party.

2 people hollerin:

Holly said...

KitchenAid standing mixers are incredible, aren't they? I haven't named mine, but I will have to. I think I will call it Alton.

I'm a bit of a mother hen, too, and I think you're right about embracing it.

Angela said...

Holly: It always makes me happy to hear someone else who loves Kitchen Aid Mixers! And Alton....*sigh* Perfect name! :)


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