
Angel Gone Home

Demi Baby
"Lil Faye"

The lost of a family member is always hard but the lost of a child?...it can destroy an entire family. And when the child is gone from this world because of someone else's negliegence? How to cope with that? How can you get over the "what ifs" that run through your mind?

My little cousin was only a year old but now she's an angel and back in God's embrace. In a better place than all of us here on Earth and that gives me comfort but the pain is still there. What kind of adult leaves a baby alone in the tub by herself? What could have been so important that you felt you could leave her alone?...now there are unanswered questions about what truly happened. I don't care about any of that, all I care about is the fact that my little cousin won't be able to see her next birthday, that her life and all she could do was taken from her before she could even begin to explore.

I'll see you again one day Demi baby. Until then look down on your mama and daddy and your sister and brothers, they're gonna need you to make it through this. Say hello to the family for me. Your cuz loves and misses you but I'll be okay.

R.I.P. Demi
September 13,2008-October 6, 2009

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