
Cleansing Time

I can honestly say that this has truly been a few of the craziest weeks in my life and I am in no rush to repeat the experience, believe me lol. I learned a lot about some of the different people in my life and I can't lie...my perceptions on a few of them changed: some for the better and some for the worse. But at the end of the day: I know it's all a part of helping me grow into the person I need to be.

Let's see, where to start? I guess with the most surprising part. Someone that I considered a "best" friend, even a "sister", showed me her true colors and how she truly felt about me and even though it hurt a lot at first and still hurts now, I'm glad I know all of this now rather than years down the line ya know? I've learned to put the people in my life in categories and keep them there, for my own sake and for the first time ever, I feel no guilt about doing it.

What I'm about to say now...I don't believe it and neither do my two girls that I told about it but here goes: I've finally gotten the strength to let my ex-boyfriend pull completely out of my life. Even though, it only happened because of an argument we had, I realized that no matter what I did and no matter how hard I tried, it was never going to be good enough for him. I've given him nothing but my love and all that was in me since the age of 15 (and I'm 21 now) and he basically threw it back in my face and said that it meant nothing at all. Well, I told him if that was the case, then I'd just get out of his life since I mean nothing to him...I expected for myself to break down but instead? I felt such a feeling of relief that it took me for a surprise. I can finally move on from him and find the person that God meant for me who WILL appreciate and love me the way I'm meant to be loved.

I'm Back Hons!

 and for a while I thought I may be one of those people.
for awhile there, with everything that I had going on, I thought I had lost my passion for writing but thank goodness that wasn't the case. I just needed a break to get myself and recharge my batteries so to speak lol.

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