
2009 In Review pt. 2

This has really been quite a year for me. I've dealt with a lot of things, some bad and some good so I just want to take this time out to tell everyone who was there for me "Thank You."

1st of course I have to give all thanks and honor to God because without Him, I wouldn't have made it through this year. It is such a true statement when people say that "God doesn't put more on you than you can bear." I've learned things about myself this year that I know will help me to continue to grow. As long as I believe and have faith in Him, all things are possible....I will say that I will continue to make my relationship with God stronger in 2010 though.

2nd is my wonderful family....I don't even know how to begin to tell you guys how much having you in my corner 365 a year means to me. We are truly a family that sticks together. We can't pick the family that we're born into but I am SOOO happy to have been born into this one. Nothing or no one can ever make me love you guys less. We're a force to be reckoned with!!!
3rd--my crazy sisters and brother. You all know how I feel about you guys. My ride or die girls that's always there with a shoulder, some advice, ready to party or tear it up with me....damn we've been rocking since high school and college. Yeah we may fuss and fight and not always see eye to eye but y'all have seen me play games, fall in love, be hurt, cry and grow as a person and I wouldn't trade y'all for anything in this world.....I can't forget my little brother who thinks he's the older brother (yeah you Cambrice! lol). Just like these fools you're always there with a shoulder to cry on or just to listen and give advice and I love you for that. I know if I needed you, you got me and you know the same goes this way.

2009 In Review

2010 is only a few hours away and while I'm thinking about everything that's happened this year...I've come to the conclusion that 2009 was NOT a good year except for a few bright spots. Although I wish I could go back and change some things, I've learned from every incident and become a better person.

The United States 1st AFRICAN AMERICAN PRESIDENT BARACK OBAMA!!!! Enough said right there. THAT was a historic moment that I can look back on and tell my children I voted in.

Celebrity Scandals....come on everyone, have we all forgotten that even though celebs are in the public eye that they ARE still human and make mistakes just like everyone else? Who are you to judge when it's not your situation? "Let he who is without sin cast the first stone".

A relationship turned sour this year taught me that I will never let myself stay in a relationship where I'm not happy just because I want things to work. Even more importantly, it taught me to NEVER EVER second guess my gut instincts. "Everything that glitters isn't gold!!!"<--that was my phrase for the year.

Friends come and go in your life and even though we may not initially want to admit that fact: it's always for the better. I had to let go of two people who caused me nothing but drama and stress whenever we were around each other. I loved/love both of them to death but...it had reached the point where they just could NOT be in my life anymore. I'll always love the memories of the good times b/c there were plenty.

People are going to be who they want and do what they want regardless of how anyone else feels. You can talk till you're blue in the face but unless they're willing to face the truth and make changes, you're just wasting your valuable breath. 

Death is a painful part of life but it's a part of life. We all are born into this world to die and it's a fact that we all will have to face sooner or later. RIP mama Marian, the King of Pop, Britney Murphy, everyone else that lost their lives this year and to my daddy-->I LUV U DADDY!!<--.

I hope everyone took the lessons that they learned this year over into the next year. There's never a bad time to try and reach your dreams and goals. Always keep in mind those things that matter the most: family and friends. Be safe and blessed. Talk to you all in the New Year.


Why?! Of The Day

Before I put up the 1st picture I just wanna say:
this PROJECT bish is going straight to hell and burn!
1st-*side eye* really bish you couldn't find a SINGLE pair of skinny jeans or tights?
2nd--Do you HAVE a condom?!!
3rd--*sigh* no comment
4th--He riding the fck outta her ass huh? lmao

*sigh* rest of the foolishness


Why of The Day?!

Pic courtesy of You Know You Dead Azz Wrong.

1st) I know I nowhere resemble my age (20) but is she honestly old enough to be in the club?

2nd) Why did her friends tell her that was cute to put on?! I wish my girls would let me out the house w/ some nonsense like this on *smdh*

She gets a major #FAIL *shrugs* sorry


Perception Can Be Deadly

Birds of a feather don't always flock together.

Before I get started let me give y'all a lil 411 on my girl Erica*. We've been friends for a nice amount of time now and for awhile there, I thought that I knew the type of person that she was. Well...slap me in the face because obviously I wasn't only wrong BUT I don't know her at all...I just know the front that she put up for us to see.

Now I have never been the type of person to judge anyone else. Just because of a)the type of person I am b)my family has its own skeletons that I would hate to be judged on and c)it's not my place or right to judge anyone. BUT I am entitled to my own opinions and after getting all of this info from someone that's been there 1st hand and has seen all of these incidents, I hate to say this but...Erica is a h**.
I'm a friendly person so I will befriend anyone regardless of what others may have to say about it. I'm also a firm believer that if you're over the age of 18, then you are truly 100% grown and capapble of understanding your actions and dealing with the consequences, like a grown person should. Once it becomes obvious that isn't the case, then I have to re-evaluate things. I give people chance after chance to show that I should keep them in my life because I usually have a good sense of someone.

If it ever gets to the point that YOU'RE actions and behavior have people looking at me out of the corner of they're eye and wondering if I'm the same type of person that you are and if I get down the way that you do, then it's time to let you go because NOTHING is as important as my reputation and dignity. If maintaining both means that I have to lose a "friend" then so be it.

I said all of that because Erica* has quite the reputation and, as I'm sure, you've all figured out by now, it isn't a good one. Honestly, it's one of the worst reputations a young woman should want to have: as the h**. I've always heard and people have always been firm believers of the saying "Birds of a feather flock together" and even though it's not always the truth...perception is deadly.


Song of the day

I wasn't planning on posting another one so soon but this is what happens when it's 10 @ nite and I have insomnia.

So here we have "10 Love Commandments" by Johnta Austin.

Fellas and ladies: hear it, learn it and duh! of course love it.

My favs are #4 "Ladies you can be the baddest chick but the average chick will be the one to give your man the business. and you wanna know why? cause you can't keep a secret."
#8-"If God ain't in the mix, then you're headed for defeat."

RIP Brittany Murphy

I send my condolences & prayers to the family of actress Brittany Murphy.

The 32-year old was found dead in the bathroom this morning by her mother. She was rushed to Cedars-Senai Medical Center where they attempted to revive her but sadly, she was pronounced dead at 10:04 am.

She starred in movies such as "8 mile", "Don't Say A Word" and her most popular role as Tai in "Clueless".

Here's a clip from Clueless that we all most likely remember:
Rolling With The Homies


"Ode To Too"

An ode to you, my darling toonie too
so you may know that you have a father whose love for you is true
I've missed you so much, throughout the years
no birthdays to share, no christmas cheer.
it's the simple things that matter
to see your face all aglow with laughter
adorned by natures' jewelries,
truth, happiness, and a radiant inner-beauty!

-R.J.F. (Ricky James Francis)
**My daddy**

--thank you for that daddy because you'll never be able to understand how much that poem means to me. For so long, I wanted you around and you weren't and I felt neglected. When we found each other again, I realized that you're love for me never waivered, instead it continued to grow and grow stronger over the years. I know I always said it to you and you may not have believed it everytime I did but...I love you daddy, with everything in my heart, I love you.

RIP Daddy *blows kiss up to heaven*


Song of the Day

I get my luv of music from my mother
soo it's not really shocking that every once in a while I'd get a song from her and fall in luv with it.
Here's a song by my girl Melanie Fiona ("It Kills Me") called "Come Get Me"

Peep the chorus (which I'm feeling)
Somebody come get me
before I kill this man
Somebody come get me
come get this knife out of my hand
He don't wanna love me
Say he got a woman down the street
He don't really love me
cause if he did he wouldn't do it.

See why ya shouldn't cheat or lead women on guys? *side-eye* Haven't we all learned from the tragedy of Steve McNair and even more recently the Tiger Woods fiasco? *shrugs* I'm just saying lol.

The South Is Always Better

This isn't about the south against the north or the 'War Between The States' as it's called.
It's actually about Southern and Northern women and which one men prefer.

Okay this is the deal: I'm on this website and a while back someone posted a question asking which type of women men prefered: southern or northern? Everyone, of course, gave their opinion and the result is that I have even more pride in being a southern belle now. It was generally agreed on that women from the north tend to have more of an attitude and stand-offish than women from the south, while they did get kudos for their aggressiveness and willingness to take charge -->still say they haven't met the right southern women yet but ehh I digress<--.

They all agreed that if a man is looking for a serious relationship, one who wants a family and kids, can cook, take care of home and take care of business at work, then a southern woman is the way to go. A statement that was made though made me pause. It was said that...southern women are raised their entire lives to be able to handle business at home and at work while northern women were raised only to handle business at work. Is that true? *shrugs* who knows if it is or isn't and this isn't me knocking any of my ladies from the north but this female here? Has an amazing amount of pride in being a Lovely Southern Belle.


Kay Dane clothes

Usually it's fashionista on a budget but this time I'm saying to hell with a budget because THESE clothes are worth the $$ you're going to spend.

The name of the line is Kay Dane and you can check the entire website out here. I'm in love and soon as the new year's here (need to let the wallet rest lol) I will be getting something from here.

This is my fav. piece so far which is sadly *sigh* sold out:

Killture Shades

These are by far the HOTTEST shades I have seen in quite awhile. I don't know alot about the designer BUT I am following her on twitter (twitter.com/missodessa). She's down to earth and seems like a really cool person and has talent out of the a**!

**peep the rest over at Killture**

Here's a pair here:

Let's Flip It Here

Let's switch it up here and flip the script for just a quick second.
What if just for one day: men and women switched roles?
Who would come back with the most understanding afterwards?
I put any amount of money that it would be the males.

R&B singer Joe has always had a special place in my love of music for his music but specifically one song in particular: "What If A Woman".

Basically the song (video) is about a couple getting counseling and Joe asking the man what would he do (how would he feel) if his girlfriend did all of the things to him that he was doing to her.

Let's think about that!!
Guys take this from your p.o.v.

If you were in, what you thought was a serious relationship, with a girl but she constantly kept stepping out on you, how would that make you feel?

If everytime you wanted to do something romantic or just spend QT together and it was always "I have to work late" what would start to think after awhile of that same excuse?

She takes your car and leaves and you don't hear from her. No text, no phone calls letting you know that she's okay and will be home soon.
You would be hurt wouldn't you?

Just strung you along in a relationship with no guarantees or idea of where it was headed. You're ready for commitment and she's just enjoying the ride with no plan to settle down anytime soon.

Now honestly, if the tables were turned, would any of you be able to stay around and stick it out?
I don't think so because there are some who feel that it's just easier to leave than work it out and once they're gone, they miss what they had.

So before you try and play with someone else's feelings and heart, stop and think about what would happen if the script was flipped.


Sad State of Affairs

This is gonna be really quick because honestly I feel close to tears right now.
I was on youtube and came across this video that someone made of a # of murders that have happened in New Orleans in 2009.
This is NOWHERE near the whole # of people that unfortunately had their lives taken this year but...even these on the video are too many.

All I can say is that we all have to do better. As a community, a city, a family and for ourselves.
THIS is not the type of city that our children should have to grow up in.


Stop! Pause!...Wait, what happened?

This is gonna be real short and to the point::

Ugh! This is why I stick to myself and don't get involved with males! Rememba the guy Mr. Q that I mentioned awhile back? Well...yeah seems things have come to a complete 'Stop!' with that. I mean damn! he didn't even give a bish a warning...could I have gotten a 'yellow light' around this mug or sumthing? *smdh* Ehh, oh well because if I know him like I think I do...he'll pop up again next month -->better hope I'm still up to dealing with him then b/c I wait on no guy<--.


Letter to my wonderful man mr. rain

You and I have always had a complicated relationship and for awhile there...I thought we were over but oh no! just like a bad tootache, just when I think I've gotten rid of you...you come back bigger and worse than before. I love you for the fact that whenever you come around, you help to relax, soothe and calm me because God knows that I need it most of the time with the way my brain works.

.....I hate you though because when you're around I begin to think to much and for the past 3 days, I've had a hella lot of thoughts run thru my little head.

**Case In Point**

1)Twitter is destructive for some celebs. IE---Shaq, Swizz Beats, Chris Breezy and *sigh* Tila Tequila (can she even be considered a real celeb though?) *Kanyeshrug* just asking.

2)Not tooting my own horn but...I was truly the best girlfriend most of my ex-boyfriend's have had. Just an observation of mine ya know lol.

3) I shouldn't feel guilty about my lack of relationship with my father b/c as the parent..it was HIS responsiblity to reach out to me.

4) Letting go of the past is never truly easy b/c it's so familiar but it's always for the best<--my words *don't steal lol*

5)2010 is going to be MY year. Either hop on board or fall back b/c it's no longer a joke about anything.

6)Relationships? I love em and give em my all but right nah...nope. Not tryna do em. It's all about MsQuitey for right now...maybe later on down the line though, with the right person.

7) Fck letting people label me/put me in a certain category. I do what I want, when I want, and with who I want. Bish its my life!...you're just a small, temporary player in it.

8) My fam is my life, biological and adopted. They've been there forever and a day with never-ending support. Not everybody is that blessed to have that kinda love around them.

and last but not least...

9) God is the only man that I need in my life. Always there, always loving and always forgiving. What else do I need? I'm Your child and give my life to You. I'm the sheep to Your Shepard until the day you see fit to call me home.


There's never a right time...

or place or way to say goodbye.

I haven't had the closest or easiest relationship with my father during the past 2 years. I mean, he and my parents divorced when I was 2 and I didn't hear from him again until I was 18 and in college<--that's a long ass time isn't it? Even after we...I guess you can say "met" again, I didn't click with him as well as I did my older sister. I guess there was too much from the past between us, on both of our parts.

A few months ago, he was diagnosed with lung cancer and that was enough of a scare for me because I've lost 3 aunts to it and I know the stress and pain it puts a family through. Well...on Tuesday I woke up to phone calls from my aunt, cousin and sister telling me that he wasn't doing to well. I rushed over to the house and felt like I had stepped into another world. I mean it seemed like he had gone from being fine to just...at death's door. He could barely talk and when he did, it hurt him to and just being so small that I could see his ribs through his skin.

That day was his last day here because he died 2 hours later and now I can't help but to feel guilty and envious. Guilty because I didn't call or spend as much time with him as I could have and I can honestly say that it was because of my feelings about him not being around during the years when I needed him the most but now I realize that none of that mattered and I missed out on the 2nd opportunity that God gave me to have my father back in my life. Envious because while we all are grieving... his sisters and my cousins and sisters and brothers...even my nieces and nephews had more time, more memories with him than I will ever have....

All I can say is:
RIP Daddy. I love you


Can I Breathe Again?

If I never feel you in my arms again
If I never feel your tender kiss again
If I never hear I love you now and then
If I never make love to you once again
Please understand if love ends
Then I promise you, I promise you
That, that I shall never breathe again
Breathe again
Breathe again
That I shall never breathe again
Breathe again

And I can't stop thinking about
about the way things used to be
and I can't stop thinking about about the love that you make to me
and I can't get you outta my head
how in the world will I begin
to let you walk right out my life
and blow my heart away

and I can't stop carin about
about the apple of my eye
and I can't stop doing without
without the center of my life
and I can't get you outta my head
and I know I can't pretend
that I won't die if you decide
you won't see me again.

If I never feel you in my arms again
If I never feel your tender kiss again
If I never hear I love you now and then
Will I never make love to you once again?
Please understand if love ends
Then I promise you, I promise you
that, that I shall never breathe again
breathe again
breathe again
That i shall never breathe again
breathe again

And I can't stop thinking about
about the way my life would be
no I can't stop thinking about
how could your love be leaving me
and I can't get you outta my mind
God knows how hard I tried
and if you walk right out my life
God knows I'd surely die
and I can't stop doing without
without the rhythm of my heart
no I can't stop doing without
for I would surely fall apart
and I can't get you outta my mind
cause I know I can't deny it
and I would die if you decide
you won't see me again

If I never feel you in my arms again
If I never feel your tender kiss again
If I never hear I love you now and then
will I never make love to you once again
please understand if love ends
then I promise you, I promise you
that, that I shall never breathe again
breathe again
breathe again
that I shall never breathe again
breathe again.

--'Breathe Again'
Toni Braxton


Feels so good to be */Free/*

Christmas is about giving to others and while that's true, this year I gotta admit that I plan on being a little selfish. My gift to myself this year? Being beyond happy that I'm out of my last relationship and free to only worry about me now!! I can honestly say that from May of last year to February of this year: THAT is an experience I never want to have again.

My last relationship went from the highest that it could be to the lowest of the lows, so low that for months afterwards I couldn't even hear his name without wanting to scream at the top. of. my. lungs but now? Now he is completely out of my system.

I broke my rule of never dating younger guys and military men for him and it backfired & slapped me in the face: hard. He wasn't ready for a serious relationship like I was and allowed to many outside factors to interveene between us. The distance? Long-distance in the same country is hard but long-distance when your significant other is 1/2 across the world? Damn near impossible to make it work *shrugs* sorry just being honest. Between him working, me in school, and the time difference: we talked maybe 2 or 3 times a week and that was on a good week okay?

I was ready to marry this guy, leave my family behind and move 1/2 across the world for his ass but ohh! I thank God for the signs that he sent me to show me that wasn't what He had planned. During that time I dealt with a crazy ex-girlfriend who not only was younger than me but felt it necessary to involve both of her goddaughters (who are at least 14 & younger) and his grandfather (I'll save him for later b/c whoo!!) in our issues, and his hypocritical family's comments. All of that on top of dealing with my own family issues and a miscarriage of a baby that I wanted with everything in me.

Now his grandfather....to this day I still do not comprehend what his problem with me was that made him treat me the way he did. 1st) he would never call me by my name. It was always "you" or "that girl". 2nd) after he found out I was pregnant, he made us watch a movie about an unwed pregnant girl who finds God *side-eye* can you imagine how awkward and uncomfortable I felt? 3rd) he encouraged Marine's ex girlfriend to attempt and get back with him...during the entire time that we were together! Ohh did I mention that he was doing all of this AND he's a pastor of his own church? 4) I attended one of his services one day and he gave a sermon on the evil's of being gay **at the time I was close friends with someone who is gay** and on how having babies outside of marriage is the worst sin of all for everyone involved. People like him are way Christian's drift away from the church, because we can no longer go there without being judged. Only God can judge me and while you do deliver his word, you are not Him and never will be.

I tried to end the relationship on a...not good but at least civil level but that wasn't good for him. After coming home from basic training at Parris Island, I heard from plenty of mutual friends that he was a) calling me outside of my name and b)lying and exaggerating about the circumstances of our break-up. After hearing that so many times, I quickly put an end to that and exposed him for what he was: a liar.

After all of that he's tried to be friends with me but I don't think I'll ever reach that place where I can be friends with him. I didn't even name all of the things that happened during and after our relationship but I do have some respect for people's privacy. All that matters is that I'm happy and more importantly I'm F-R-E-E!!!!!

"Ain't no feeling like being free
When your mind's made up
and your hearts in the right place, yeah
ain't no feeling like being free
when you've done all you could
but what's misunderstood
it's all good, it's all good
ain't no feeling like being free
I'm like an eagle set free
and finally I'm looking out for me
ain't no feeling like being free
cause my minds made up
and my heart is in the right place, yeah!"

Why?! Of The Day

Damnit there are just some things people shouldn't have to see when they go to the club.
This shit right here nigga? This shit right here? This is the type of shit we shouldn't see!!

1) Why does this nigga have on what looks like fireman pants?

2)Am I the only one that peeped the CROSS that's on the back of his neck? Really dude?! Sexing on the dance floor with a cross on? *sigh*

3)I hope he put a damn condom on b/c you can't tell me that he didn't pull his shit out and just slide on in that nasty h*e.

Forget the fact that they're in a public place with who knows how many people watching them but fck him for a minute lets talk about the girl.

She got down on the ground, let this nigga get behind her, push her damn dress up and basically fck her on the floor...where in the HELL is her self-respect?!?! Oh never mind probably on the floor beneath her.

*side eye* Have we really reached this point?

I'm done but feel free to check out more madness & trumfoolery over at You Know You Dead Azz Wrong.


It's Such A Scandal Everywhere We Go!

Is it just me or....was this just the year for celebrities to lose their God given common sense and go COMPLETELY crazy?!! I mean I know we all expect some scandals to happen but this time...*smdh* I bet even some celebs think 2009 had too much going on. Here's just a list of a few that come to mind very easily:

1) Chris Brown and Rihanna----yeahhh *sigh* 'nough said bout that right? We've all talked that subject into the ground.

2)Kanye West and his interruption of Taylor Swift at the VMA's---not a big fan of Kanye's but I understand why he did it which leads to #3.

3) "You Lie!"---now if I really have to explain that to you guys, then we have a serious problem. How can you scream that to the President and not have everyone know about it?

4)Nas & Kelis--it wasn't them actually getting a divorce...it was the amount of $$ that they judge awarded her ($50,000 a month) Really bitch?! Really?! I can't even be mad at Kelis though.

5)Alicia Keys/Swizz Beats/Mashonda-Finding out that my girl A. Keys had been sleeping with Swizz Beats (a married man) for almost 2 years now almost broke my heart. *side eye* so much for 'A Woman's Worth' huh Alicia?

6) Serena and her rant at the tennis tournament---still not 100% sure on what happened but it became pretty big news and her fine wasn't a joke so there ya go.

7)50 cent & Rick Ross/Beanie Segel & Jay-Z----okay people it's 2009 not 1996. Rap beef, especially WACK rap beef is beyond played out. Honestly didn't all yall negroes learn from watching Biggie and Pac lose their lives? *smdh*

8)Shaq & his wife/Gilbert Arenas & his fiancee----*sigh* MEN! If you're going to cheat, be smart about it. That means no emails and erase all text messages after the conversation is over with. Damnit I hope Shaq's wife takes that ass to the cleaner's cause this is NOT his 1st time and as for Gilbert Arenas' fiancee...kick that groupie heiffa to the corner cause like ms. Sasha Fierce says "don't ever for a second get to thinking, your irreplaceable!"

9)Tiger Woods and his newly exposed cheating a**!!!----What I said above goes for this scenario too. CHEAT SMART OR DON'T CHEAT AT ALL!! and my sidelines ladies out there....if you're gonna let yourself be put in that role, then damnit PLAY. THAT. DAMN. POSITION. You knew who and what you were to him going into that ish.

10)The Salahi couple from D.C. crashing President Obama's 1st dinner-- all I have to say about that mess is: they're asses deserve to be in jail or at least fined outta this world!! You canNOT attend any function in which the President is in attendance without an invitation. and the fact that they still see nothing wrong with what they did....yeah I'm all for locking their asses up.

and least but damn sure not least....

11) Pleasure P is a convicted child molester----Say who?!! Say what?!! I didn't believe it at 1st myself but it's not looking to good for my boy. If this is true then I'm done supporting him. I have strong, personal issues when it comes to child molesters and I can't knowingly support someone that I know touched a child that way. Peep the whole story over at my girl Miss Jia's website here.


Welcome Back {*To Myself*}

It really is soo easy to get caught up in life issues and just forget about some things and that's what happened to me lol *shrugs* sorry I am just human ya know. Soo here's some quick updates about what's being going on with me.

 1st off let me start by saying that I am OVERJOYED that this semester is damn near over with!! I think my friends and I are all in a consensus that this was our hardest semester by far.

2nd it looks as if I won't be transferring to ULL next semester and that's fine because I've reached the point where I don't even want to leave anymore, I just want to get out of this house and on my own (or in an apartment with a friend lol).

3rd up is dealing with my love life. A while back I did a post called Giving Me A Rush about this dude that I was conversating/dealing with. Yeah well...that's over and done with now and your girl has moved on!! I mean don't get me wrong, he was all that I wrote about and we're still friends except that he started to try and play too many games with me. After things started to get different between us, I asked him if he had anything that he needed to tell me and guess what the negro said?....no, not that he's gay but that he had gotten a girlfriend 2 weeks before. Wait! Pause!...2 weeks before?!?! When we were still dealing with one another 2 weeks ago!!! *nods head* Yep, that's what it was. Sorry but I don't deal with dudes who are in relationships. My mother didn't raise me to be that way and honestly no matter how much I'm feeling someone, I wouldn't disrespect their girl like that. Some females nowadays may not feel like that but me? I do sooo I decided to move things back to 100% platonic friendship.

4th: I can't believe I'm about to type this but I think that I have...a crush on someone. lmao! I just have to laugh at even reading that because the last time I had a crush on someone I was at least in middle school or 9th grade and here I am, 20 years old and talking about crushing *smdh* at myself. I don't wanna talk to much about it because this IS the internet after all but uhh yeah...I will be updating about Mr.Q

Worlds Aids Day

"Today more people than ever before are living with HIV and each year, new infections occur."--WorldAidsDay.org

Every year on December 1st, the entire world dedicates this day to helping everyone understand HIV/AIDS and to give us ways to stay safe.

What is HIV?
---A virus that attacks the body's immune system.

Are HIV & AIDS the same?
---No. When someone is described as living with HIV, they have the HIV virus in their body. A person is consdered to have developed AIDS when the immune system is so weak it can no longer fight off a range of diseases which it would normally cope.

How is HIV passed on?
----infected blood, semen, vaginal fluids or breast milk.
Sex without a condom with someone who has HIV

Sharing infected needles, syringes or other injecting drug equpiment

From an HIV-positive mother to her child during pregnancy, childbirth or breastfeeding.

People living with HIV
--More than 85,000 people are living with HIV in the UK

--Over a quarter of people with HIV in the UK are undiagnosed

--About 2/3 of people living with HIV are men and a 1/3 are women

--Over 1/2 of all people living with HIV are between 30-44 but there are numbers of younger and older people living with HIV.

New HIV cases in 2008
--7,298 new diagnoses

--The two groups most affected are gay and bisexual men and African heterosexuals. 3/4 of people diagnosed were among these 2 groups.

--2,760 new diagnoses among men who have sex with men

--2,790 new diagnoses among people from black & minority ethnice communities.

People living with HIV
--33.4 million people are living with HIV worldwide

--31.3 million adults

--15.7 million women

--2.1 million children under 15

New HIV cases in 2008
--2.7 million people

--2.3 million adults

--430,000 children under 15

HIV-related deaths in 2008
--2 million total deaths

After reading all of that, can anyone truly say that taking chances with unprotected sex is really worth their lives? Do YOU want to become another statistic? If the answer to those two questions are no, then do the smart and safe thing and make sure that you practice safe sex. You can never tell who may or may not have HIV/AIDS nowadays. Treat your lives like the precious jewels they are and cherish them please! GET TESTED AND STAY SAFE!!

**All statistics and information came directly from

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