
Why?! Of The Day

Damnit there are just some things people shouldn't have to see when they go to the club.
This shit right here nigga? This shit right here? This is the type of shit we shouldn't see!!

1) Why does this nigga have on what looks like fireman pants?

2)Am I the only one that peeped the CROSS that's on the back of his neck? Really dude?! Sexing on the dance floor with a cross on? *sigh*

3)I hope he put a damn condom on b/c you can't tell me that he didn't pull his shit out and just slide on in that nasty h*e.

Forget the fact that they're in a public place with who knows how many people watching them but fck him for a minute lets talk about the girl.

She got down on the ground, let this nigga get behind her, push her damn dress up and basically fck her on the floor...where in the HELL is her self-respect?!?! Oh never mind probably on the floor beneath her.

*side eye* Have we really reached this point?

I'm done but feel free to check out more madness & trumfoolery over at You Know You Dead Azz Wrong.

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