
Perception Can Be Deadly

Birds of a feather don't always flock together.

Before I get started let me give y'all a lil 411 on my girl Erica*. We've been friends for a nice amount of time now and for awhile there, I thought that I knew the type of person that she was. Well...slap me in the face because obviously I wasn't only wrong BUT I don't know her at all...I just know the front that she put up for us to see.

Now I have never been the type of person to judge anyone else. Just because of a)the type of person I am b)my family has its own skeletons that I would hate to be judged on and c)it's not my place or right to judge anyone. BUT I am entitled to my own opinions and after getting all of this info from someone that's been there 1st hand and has seen all of these incidents, I hate to say this but...Erica is a h**.
I'm a friendly person so I will befriend anyone regardless of what others may have to say about it. I'm also a firm believer that if you're over the age of 18, then you are truly 100% grown and capapble of understanding your actions and dealing with the consequences, like a grown person should. Once it becomes obvious that isn't the case, then I have to re-evaluate things. I give people chance after chance to show that I should keep them in my life because I usually have a good sense of someone.

If it ever gets to the point that YOU'RE actions and behavior have people looking at me out of the corner of they're eye and wondering if I'm the same type of person that you are and if I get down the way that you do, then it's time to let you go because NOTHING is as important as my reputation and dignity. If maintaining both means that I have to lose a "friend" then so be it.

I said all of that because Erica* has quite the reputation and, as I'm sure, you've all figured out by now, it isn't a good one. Honestly, it's one of the worst reputations a young woman should want to have: as the h**. I've always heard and people have always been firm believers of the saying "Birds of a feather flock together" and even though it's not always the truth...perception is deadly.

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