
Let's Flip It Here

Let's switch it up here and flip the script for just a quick second.
What if just for one day: men and women switched roles?
Who would come back with the most understanding afterwards?
I put any amount of money that it would be the males.

R&B singer Joe has always had a special place in my love of music for his music but specifically one song in particular: "What If A Woman".

Basically the song (video) is about a couple getting counseling and Joe asking the man what would he do (how would he feel) if his girlfriend did all of the things to him that he was doing to her.

Let's think about that!!
Guys take this from your p.o.v.

If you were in, what you thought was a serious relationship, with a girl but she constantly kept stepping out on you, how would that make you feel?

If everytime you wanted to do something romantic or just spend QT together and it was always "I have to work late" what would start to think after awhile of that same excuse?

She takes your car and leaves and you don't hear from her. No text, no phone calls letting you know that she's okay and will be home soon.
You would be hurt wouldn't you?

Just strung you along in a relationship with no guarantees or idea of where it was headed. You're ready for commitment and she's just enjoying the ride with no plan to settle down anytime soon.

Now honestly, if the tables were turned, would any of you be able to stay around and stick it out?
I don't think so because there are some who feel that it's just easier to leave than work it out and once they're gone, they miss what they had.

So before you try and play with someone else's feelings and heart, stop and think about what would happen if the script was flipped.

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