
"Ode To Too"

An ode to you, my darling toonie too
so you may know that you have a father whose love for you is true
I've missed you so much, throughout the years
no birthdays to share, no christmas cheer.
it's the simple things that matter
to see your face all aglow with laughter
adorned by natures' jewelries,
truth, happiness, and a radiant inner-beauty!

-R.J.F. (Ricky James Francis)
**My daddy**

--thank you for that daddy because you'll never be able to understand how much that poem means to me. For so long, I wanted you around and you weren't and I felt neglected. When we found each other again, I realized that you're love for me never waivered, instead it continued to grow and grow stronger over the years. I know I always said it to you and you may not have believed it everytime I did but...I love you daddy, with everything in my heart, I love you.

RIP Daddy *blows kiss up to heaven*

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