
Three Little Words *Updated*

and they've managed to bring me to a complete S-T-O-P.

So last night I was on the phone with my ex and the convo was going fine until we got ready to get off the phone. I went to hang up and he said "bae hold up"<--I don't really think anything of that because he's always called me that even after we broke up. The next words out of his mouth threw me for a loop though..."I love you".


There are 3 big problems with this whole situation. One is that I can honestly say that I still have feelings for him and can see myself falling in love with him again. The second is that I believe him because he's never been the type of person to say things that he didn't mean and wasn't true. and before you ask why that's bad #3 is that I'm already getting involved with someone and I don't want to hurt him.

*sigh* No point in stressing over it because that's only going to make it worse. Taking this one day at a time as well.

1 people hollerin:

Niks La Mode. said...

Uh oh this is DEEP !!! yes tke it one day at a tyme but also remember their is a reason why he is an ex! but then again hey!! :) keep us posteddd!


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