
Rampant Racism in New Orleans pt. 2

Here we go:
My wonderful, always colorful opinion on Ed Blakely's comments.


  1. While it is true that a FEW people in this city expected for all of the work to be done for them, the majority of the city acknowledge the fact that if we want our city bigger & better than it was before Katrina, most of the labor would have to come from natives. Some expected a hand-out and when they didn't receive it they gave up but that does NOT include the city as a whole. Neighborhoods as a whole are working tirelessly to restore the areas they live in.

  2. Buffons....that is a very harsh word. I concede that there ARE some ignorant people that live in this city. People who have no desire to further their education, living conditions and life in general but once again I say: that doesn't mean EVERYONE here is like that and for him to make that generalized statement makes him seem to be a damn "buffon".

  3. Racism is very much at work in New Orleans and even though it disgusts me to say that, it is very much so the truth. Everyday cases of whites vs. blacks, whites vs. lations, asians vs. blacks and etc etc are evident. We all need to work together to end the intolerance that's seperating us so I have a question: what's more important: stating that everyone is a racist or doing something to end the shit?....exactly!

  4. Race riot.....*smdh* I hate to tell you this Ed buddy old pal but...you're late with that announcement. Race riots have been going on down here for years and years. Blacks killing blacks, blacks killing whites, whites killing blacks, whites killing whites and every other race that there is. Stop trying to predict the future and worry about fixing the here and now.

  5. I can't really comment on this one because I've never had the pleasure (insert sarcasm)  of living in either Cleveland or California or any place that he's worked. I can say that compared to Mississippi, which I'm very much familiar with, yes the bureaucracy in New Orleans isn't as sophisticated as it could be. Instead of blasting it, why not HELP?

  6. The education system before Hurricane Katrina was filled with corruption and people who, for the majority, did not care about the students and if they learned or not. So yes, there have been numerous cases of people moving from grade to grade without getting the help that they need. Now that they are taking those steps to better themselves: it's to be taken as a negative? They're doing more than others and that's TRYING.

  7. I am so tired of hearing that New Orleans won't around in another 100 years! "Too far below sea-level", "Not enough storm surge protection" and such and such. To all of those people I only have a few words to say: SHUT THE HELL UP!! Honestly, I've always said this and it may sound mean but f**k it this is my blog: if you can bring your a** down here for Mardi Gras, to party on Canal and Bourbon,Voodoo Fest, Essence, Jazz Fest and all of the other things that go on in this city then you have a vested interest in New Orleans as much as the residents do. If you have such a love for this city why not help to ensure that in another 100 years, New Orleans will still be here for you to come and party in?

    **Disclaimer** All statements and opinions stated in this post above is the writer's personal feelings. If you a) don't agree with anything I said or b) feel as if I'm being prejudiced then you can feel free to leave.

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