It really is soo easy to get caught up in life issues and just forget about some things and that's what happened to me lol *shrugs* sorry I am just human ya know. Soo here's some quick updates about what's being going on with me.
1st off let me start by saying that I am OVERJOYED that this semester is damn near over with!! I think my friends and I are all in a consensus that this was our hardest semester by far.
2nd it looks as if I won't be transferring to ULL next semester and that's fine because I've reached the point where I don't even want to leave anymore, I just want to get out of this house and on my own (or in an apartment with a friend lol).
3rd up is dealing with my love life. A while back I did a post called Giving Me A Rush about this dude that I was conversating/dealing with. Yeah well...that's over and done with now and your girl has moved on!! I mean don't get me wrong, he was all that I wrote about and we're still friends except that he started to try and play too many games with me. After things started to get different between us, I asked him if he had anything that he needed to tell me and guess what the negro said?, not that he's gay but that he had gotten a girlfriend 2 weeks before. Wait! Pause!...2 weeks before?!?! When we were still dealing with one another 2 weeks ago!!! *nods head* Yep, that's what it was. Sorry but I don't deal with dudes who are in relationships. My mother didn't raise me to be that way and honestly no matter how much I'm feeling someone, I wouldn't disrespect their girl like that. Some females nowadays may not feel like that but me? I do sooo I decided to move things back to 100% platonic friendship.
4th: I can't believe I'm about to type this but I think that I have...a crush on someone. lmao! I just have to laugh at even reading that because the last time I had a crush on someone I was at least in middle school or 9th grade and here I am, 20 years old and talking about crushing *smdh* at myself. I don't wanna talk to much about it because this IS the internet after all but uhh yeah...I will be updating about Mr.Q
4 years ago
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