You and I have always had a complicated relationship and for awhile there...I thought we were over but oh no! just like a bad tootache, just when I think I've gotten rid of you...you come back bigger and worse than before. I love you for the fact that whenever you come around, you help to relax, soothe and calm me because God knows that I need it most of the time with the way my brain works.
.....I hate you though because when you're around I begin to think to much and for the past 3 days, I've had a hella lot of thoughts run thru my little head.
.....I hate you though because when you're around I begin to think to much and for the past 3 days, I've had a hella lot of thoughts run thru my little head.
**Case In Point**
1)Twitter is destructive for some celebs. IE---Shaq, Swizz Beats, Chris Breezy and *sigh* Tila Tequila (can she even be considered a real celeb though?) *Kanyeshrug* just asking.
2)Not tooting my own horn but...I was truly the best girlfriend most of my ex-boyfriend's have had. Just an observation of mine ya know lol.
3) I shouldn't feel guilty about my lack of relationship with my father b/c as the parent..it was HIS responsiblity to reach out to me.
4) Letting go of the past is never truly easy b/c it's so familiar but it's always for the best<--my words *don't steal lol*
5)2010 is going to be MY year. Either hop on board or fall back b/c it's no longer a joke about anything.
6)Relationships? I love em and give em my all but right nah...nope. Not tryna do em. It's all about MsQuitey for right now...maybe later on down the line though, with the right person.
7) Fck letting people label me/put me in a certain category. I do what I want, when I want, and with who I want. Bish its my life!...you're just a small, temporary player in it.
8) My fam is my life, biological and adopted. They've been there forever and a day with never-ending support. Not everybody is that blessed to have that kinda love around them.
and last but not least...
9) God is the only man that I need in my life. Always there, always loving and always forgiving. What else do I need? I'm Your child and give my life to You. I'm the sheep to Your Shepard until the day you see fit to call me home.
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