The United States 1st AFRICAN AMERICAN PRESIDENT BARACK OBAMA!!!! Enough said right there. THAT was a historic moment that I can look back on and tell my children I voted in.
Celebrity Scandals....come on everyone, have we all forgotten that even though celebs are in the public eye that they ARE still human and make mistakes just like everyone else? Who are you to judge when it's not your situation? "Let he who is without sin cast the first stone".
A relationship turned sour this year taught me that I will never let myself stay in a relationship where I'm not happy just because I want things to work. Even more importantly, it taught me to NEVER EVER second guess my gut instincts. "Everything that glitters isn't gold!!!"<--that was my phrase for the year.
Friends come and go in your life and even though we may not initially want to admit that fact: it's always for the better. I had to let go of two people who caused me nothing but drama and stress whenever we were around each other. I loved/love both of them to death had reached the point where they just could NOT be in my life anymore. I'll always love the memories of the good times b/c there were plenty.
People are going to be who they want and do what they want regardless of how anyone else feels. You can talk till you're blue in the face but unless they're willing to face the truth and make changes, you're just wasting your valuable breath.
Death is a painful part of life but it's a part of life. We all are born into this world to die and it's a fact that we all will have to face sooner or later. RIP mama Marian, the King of Pop, Britney Murphy, everyone else that lost their lives this year and to my daddy-->I LUV U DADDY!!<--.
I hope everyone took the lessons that they learned this year over into the next year. There's never a bad time to try and reach your dreams and goals. Always keep in mind those things that matter the most: family and friends. Be safe and blessed. Talk to you all in the New Year.
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