
Song of the Day

I get my luv of music from my mother
soo it's not really shocking that every once in a while I'd get a song from her and fall in luv with it.
Here's a song by my girl Melanie Fiona ("It Kills Me") called "Come Get Me"

Peep the chorus (which I'm feeling)
Somebody come get me
before I kill this man
Somebody come get me
come get this knife out of my hand
He don't wanna love me
Say he got a woman down the street
He don't really love me
cause if he did he wouldn't do it.

See why ya shouldn't cheat or lead women on guys? *side-eye* Haven't we all learned from the tragedy of Steve McNair and even more recently the Tiger Woods fiasco? *shrugs* I'm just saying lol.

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