1st of course I have to give all thanks and honor to God because without Him, I wouldn't have made it through this year. It is such a true statement when people say that "God doesn't put more on you than you can bear." I've learned things about myself this year that I know will help me to continue to grow. As long as I believe and have faith in Him, all things are possible....I will say that I will continue to make my relationship with God stronger in 2010 though.
2nd is my wonderful family....I don't even know how to begin to tell you guys how much having you in my corner 365 a year means to me. We are truly a family that sticks together. We can't pick the family that we're born into but I am SOOO happy to have been born into this one. Nothing or no one can ever make me love you guys less. We're a force to be reckoned with!!!
3rd--my crazy sisters and brother. You all know how I feel about you guys. My ride or die girls that's always there with a shoulder, some advice, ready to party or tear it up with me....damn we've been rocking since high school and college. Yeah we may fuss and fight and not always see eye to eye but y'all have seen me play games, fall in love, be hurt, cry and grow as a person and I wouldn't trade y'all for anything in this world.....I can't forget my little brother who thinks he's the older brother (yeah you Cambrice! lol). Just like these fools you're always there with a shoulder to cry on or just to listen and give advice and I love you for that. I know if I needed you, you got me and you know the same goes this way.
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