
I Hate To Say This But...

I am a city girl @ heart but deep down...I know I'm a country girl (some people would call me a Southern Belle) and any other time I would have no issue with that but this time....I HATE the fact that I have the opinions and values of 2 different worlds.

So my great-grandmother raised my entire family that no matter WHAT, you were to honor your parents and that they were always right...well that worked when my family was in the country but the minute they started moving to the city, things changed. Let's just say: my family kinda skewed off the path that my great-grandmother put them on and some of the changes were for the better but some? were most DEF for the worst of the fam as a whole.

Now I said all that to get to my point lol.

I love my mother dearly but she is the MOST arrogant, hating, condescending person that I have ever met (yes I realize I'm only 21 about to be 22 but still!!). Sometimes I'll listen to her talk and I just have to shake my head at the ignorance that comes out of her mouth and to say she has 3 college degrees...you would think she'd be more socially acceptable but *smh* no she's not. My 17 year old sister and I are more accepting than her. I have no shame in saying that my family started off in the ghetto and with hard work we all made it out of there but @ the same time I remember my past and where I come from and I know that without that place, I wouldn't be the person that I am today. My mother on the other hand? At every chance she gets, she degrades that life and the people who, unfortunately, are still living it.

The bible says  
 but how can I honestly honor someone who, in my opinion, isn't honoring themselves? 

 P.S. ohh did I mention she's one of those people that ALWAYS have to be right? 
and even when they find out they were wrong they refuse to admit it? Yeahhhhh....I HATE those type of people. I'm sorry but no one is right 24/7/365. That's life, accept it & get over it.

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