
Giving Up Men

I am giving up men for the next 40 days! Yeah, that's what I'm giving up for the next 40 days, even though I'm not Catholic.

I decided that since I'm tired of dealing with the same old bullshit that seems to come attached to almost every guy in New Orleans, I'll just take a break from them in general.

Doesn't sound that difficult right?
Yeah, well I know it's gonna be hard because I love my N.O. guys but sometimes I really feel like they are NOT the ones for me...like we're just entirely DIFFERENT people ya know?

So...this is my mission: not to get any closer or start a new relationship with any guy in the city until Lent is over.

1 people hollerin:

Anonymous said...

good luck with that on maw....I'mma be backing u for that one


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