My spirit...
light as a feather...
my problems and my issues...
come and go like bad weather...
just as predictable
as the coming of the night...
the ups and downs...
yet I still continue to fight...
Y'all can't hold me...
Y'all can't phase me now...
can't perceieve how I don't get caught up...
y'all just sitting there
I'm on a whole 'nother planet
where only a chosen few can see...
Do you honestly think that
you can match the shear strength of my spirituality?
Can you stare into my eyes
and tell me what's in MY soul?
Yeah, you can't because I'm not yours
I'm only under God's control
so remember my words
when you are caught under a rock
nothing is ever to hard
nothing is ever to difficult to just be stopped.
So always try and remember MY plea:
Child of God
hold onto your faith and spirituality.
3 years ago
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