I never thought I'd say this but now I realize why my mother made sure that I could stand on my own two feet and on my own and why she taught me to never really need others...it kills me how I give my all to every person that I call or have ever called a "friend" and in the end, I still feel alone.
Yes, I love to go out and have fun but that's not all of the time. I expect for REAL friends to understand when I'm tired and just wanna relax and NOT be given grief over it. I'm all for a few jokes here and there but there comes a point when it's considered going too far and some people don't understand that.
People that claim to be "best friends" didn't seem to catch on that after awhile the jokes weren't funny anymore but the minute my little sister saw my face she knew something was wrong....I told her what happened and even SHE couldn't get why they were acting like that...what does that say?
It's funny because there have been sooo many times when I haven't wanted to go out or even be bothered with them but I did it anyway. Wanna know why? because I was trying to be a good friend and this is what I get in return?
If that's the case, then I'd rather not have anymore close friends and just keep everyone as acquaintances and associates because obviously having friends hurts.
9 people hollerin:
I can totally relate. I've learn my lesson that there are no such things as friends. I would give my all in a friendship just like I would in a relationship to let down. I've just learned to suck up the pain and just realize that not only do guys come and go but so do friends. I have no close girlfriends anymore just associates that's good for the time being. Love the blog! Like when someone will keep it 100! ~♥ Miss Nic ♥~ www.missnicselegantedge.blogspot.com
That's what I had to learn the hard way yesterday Nic and even though it hurt at the time, I'm over it and I've accepted that fact. Most people don't know how to really be a friend to someone else.From now on, I'm only doing the associates that I hang out with on certain bases.
I'm happy you like the blog and that you can relate to some of this stuff!
Ah yes, the dramas of friendships. I've been there for sure.
Hope it all works out!
well, I think as you get older, you should realize that everyone serves a purpose in your life. There are The BEST friends, which whom you can DO EVERYTHING WITH, even if its sitting at home crying about your problems...to going out and having the best time of your life. And, then there are friends that are only for going out. some are for ONLY shopping..talking too. etc..etc. Pick and choose who is for what so that you are aware of where they stand in your life. =] thanks for following!!
damnitkia of tastelessdiamonds.com
Great Post , I Know Where You're Coming From !
@Eva yeah the drama of friendships. it's all worked out now though. Thanks!
@Domanek glad you can relate.
@Kia You're absolutely right on that and I realized that's what I need to start doing again. It sucked at first b/c it was the best friends I had the falling out with.
going through the exact same thing right now, as in just dried my eyes from a major disappointment from the person i thought knew me best in this world.
You got some great points here lady. All acquaintances are not real friends, whether they realize it or not. lol.
There are going to be many times in life when you will purge people, some will be friends and some will be family, it does not mean that you don't love them, it could be as simple as taking your space. Never be scared to take your space...we deserve at least that! Best of luck Mamacita!!
Sassy Chica
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