
H*e Shit PSA

Being a hoe has never BEEN, is NOT and will never BE something to be proud of!
I swear fo' Jesus I've heard more than my share of h*e shit in the first few months of 2010 than I heard in all of 2009 and 2008 put together and that disturbs every little bone in my 5'0 130 lbs body *smdh*.

I thought most of these celebs would've learned to be more...select in who they did they dirt with after Superhead oh I'm sorry, I mean Karrine Steffans exposed their asses in her 1st two books but obviously not because who do we have now? Tiger Woods 3-pages of mistresses and Kat Stacks.

I am in no way saying hoeing is a good thing but dayum! at least Superhead* got paid for her hoe ways! She was able to at least take care of herself and her child but this basic bisch Kat Stacks? According to her blog, which I refuse to link!, she's done the down and dirty with Bow Wow(who no one has taken seriously since umm lemme think...ever!), Aaron Carter aka the little brother of Nick Carter(Backstreet Boys), Jae Millz and Lil Twist from Young Money, and Lil Za(?). lol no seriously wth is Lil Za? 

**note to self* time to learn these new artists**

Now I feel the need to say this: 
hoes need to be taken out back and put out of everyone's misery!
Sorry if you don't like it, oh well that's me

I'm sure most of us have that one friend/associate that is a hoe. I mean we may try to clean it up or make it sound better than it is but screw that. If she's sleeping with married men, brothers, friends, cousins, godbrothers, anything along those lines...she's a hoe! I'm sorry but if you've slept with 2 or more family members or friends in the same group...you need to stitch your va-jay-jay(c) ->B.Scott<- up and find another purpose for your life because guess what dear?...you've just become a flipper.
If that was you're life's dream, then congratulations: you've succeeded.

It amazes me how some females can say with a straight face and a good heart that they're just doing what other females are doing. *side-eye* uh huh and if all of those other females were lining up to jump off the empire state building would you be right there with em?....if you have to hesitate and actually think about that, then do us both a favor and #killyourself right now. Thank you.

I understand that some people have had a hard childhood. No father, no mother, they were abused, etc etc but at some point in time we all have to decide what we want our lives to become. It's called personal responsibility: learn it, love it and live it 'kay? If you're gonna do h*e shit at least be smart enough to wear a gauddamn condom!!

*looks around and whispers*
I don't know if y'all have heard or not but there's this disease going around that kills
it's called AIDS/HIV!!!

2 people hollerin:

Wynn Wygal said...

Oh yes, everyone has a friend who is a whore. But God forbid those words are ever spoken out loud -- it'll be World War III!

And seriously, safe sex is cool! But really, it is!

Quite said...

@Wynn WWIII is right! That's why the one friend that I do have like that, I'm distancing myself from her.

2 thumbs up for safe sex b/c that's the only type of sex I have! lol


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