"Respect is more important than friendship"
Lately, I've really started to question some of the people that I consider "friends" and as my girl pointed out to me a few days ago, I do too much for EVERYONE around me and maybe that needs to stop for them to appreciate it more. I've always been a naturally kind person. I will always go that extra mile and sometimes go out of my way to do things for people that I consider "friends" and I've started to notice that it's not always returned...not in the slightest way.
I give a lot of myself because growing up as a child, that was what I saw my grandmother do and she is THE kindest person anyone will ever meet in this world.
I have friends who just take and take from me and then seem to get mad when I want to be left alone for a little while. I enjoy spending time with my friends and yeah sure I'll entertain you guys when you're bored because you do it for me BUT there does come a point when I want to be A-L-O-N-E okay? I mean my mother raised me to be able to entertain and take care of myself for hours at a time. Also last time, I checked it was NOT my responsibility to be anyone's source of entertainment.
I give a lot of myself because growing up as a child, that was what I saw my grandmother do and she is THE kindest person anyone will ever meet in this world.
Now though?
I'm done with that.
I'm done with that.
I have friends who just take and take from me and then seem to get mad when I want to be left alone for a little while. I enjoy spending time with my friends and yeah sure I'll entertain you guys when you're bored because you do it for me BUT there does come a point when I want to be A-L-O-N-E okay? I mean my mother raised me to be able to entertain and take care of myself for hours at a time. Also last time, I checked it was NOT my responsibility to be anyone's source of entertainment.
Another thing, there have been plenty of times that I've gone BROKE buying food or other things for these so-called "friends" because, in my opinion, that's what friends do for one another. Only to turn around later and when it's time to return the favor, all of a sudden...it can't be done.
"Don't take my kindness for weakness"
A lot of things are about to change with the way I let my "friendships" continue on and anyone who doesn't like it is more than welcome to walk out of the 'Exit' door because my mother & grandmother raised me to be kind, not weak which is what I feel like they think I am and that is SOOO far from the truth.
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