Webster gives the following definition for loyalty:
1) the state or quality of being loyal;faithfulness to commitments or obligations.
2) faithful adherence to a sovereign, government, leader, cause, etc.
3)an example or instance of faithfulness, adherence or the likeness.
My definition of loyalty:
1)something that you give only a few people in this world
2)no matter what happens you have each others back.
3)most importantly: being able to say, with confidence, that you trust that person 100%.
Over the years, I've learned a very important lesson:
"All those I'm loyal to aren't always loyal to me."
More and more now a days, loyalty is becoming only a memory. Females dating close friends ex-boyfriends or guys that their girl is involved with. Guys going behind their boys back and messing with their girl. Family members back-stabbing each other. Treating people who've always had your back as if they were a stranger or your enemy.
I mean really ladies, how can you date the ex boyfriend of someone that you call your "sister"? How can you go behind your girls back and talk to a dude that you KNOW she's talking to and have no problem with it? Guys are just as guilty as females of doing that to someone they call their "brother". Family members turning their back on each other or not being there for one another when it's necessary is...shocking to me because I come from a family that, no matter WHAT, when it comes to the blood in our veins? It's always going to be us against the world if something is going on.
Where's the loyalty?
I understand what some people mean when they say "I came in this world alone and that's the way I'm gonna leave it." because even though that is true, you can't go through life alone. You're going to need someone to have your back at one point in time, trust me.
"The best things in life are never rationed.
Friendship, loyalty, love do not require coupons."
--George Hewitt