That old age question of "where are all the good men?" is so tiresome to me because I have a newsflash for all my women reading this: there ARE good men out there. You just may not be looking for them in the right place. A few years ago I would've said that the #1 place you shouldn't be looking for love in was the club I can't say that you shouldn't be looking for love in the club b/c my sister met her current boyfriend in the club and they've been dating for the past 1 1/2 years and love each other to such a depth that I can only pray that I feel that type of love one day.
I've had conversations over and over again with some male friends and they're saying the same thing that we are: that they're looking but can't find a good woman. I firmly believe that before we all go looking for mr or mrs. right, that we need to have ourselves in order. How can we truly expect to be able to give our all to a relationship when we arent' even capable of giving our all to ourselves?
Black Women need to realize that we are queens and therefore deserve to be treated as such but we fail to realize that our beautiful, intelligent, strong Black Men deserve to be treated like the kings that they all are. I need for my black men to start treating their queens with more respect. Don't put your hands on a queen in anger, don't belittle her. Treat her as the jewel that God gave you to be your other 1/2, the better part of yourself.
4 years ago
4 people hollerin:
Love this. it's so true.
And let's not forget about Queens not putting their hands on their Kings in anger as well. And cuddling
@HD you are so right on that. No one needs to put their hands on anyone. That can lead to a very nasty situation.
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