
Mr. Right?...pt. IV

I'm not to sure how appropriate the title is anymore but that's how I started it and that's what it'll stay...for now at least.

*sigh* honestly I don't know what's going on with him and I for the past 2 weeks. I mean, not talking to him for 2 days didn't really upset me because we both are busy with school and family and for him work too so just texting each other for 15 minutes was all I needed but....that's stopped now. Birthday plans...yeah just didn't happen. Actually my entire birthday just went by ignored by him-->still haven't admitted how much that hurt me<--.

I don't know...maybe I'm expecting too much from him too early but is it really a lot to ask that he remember my birthday?

Being 100% honest with myself....I just miss having him around. He's one of the few guys that I can really be myself around...and the fact that he can hold a conversation....*sigh* who knows, maybe he's been busy or has his own things going on. I'm not about to give up hope on him or just write him off just yet...but I'm gonna have to figure something out.


B-day Recap

As you guys know, I made 21 this past Friday and of course my girls and I partied all weekend!!!

Friday and Saturday were our nights for intoxication and yeah....I regretted it the next morning b/c of the hangover from hell.

I have to admit though, as much as I enjoyed Friday and Saturday, Sunday made my weekend WONDERFUL!!!

The Saints are going to Miami for the Superbowl!!!

**as soon as we find the camera lol, I'll put up a few pics**


Disney At It's Finest...

and when I say at it's finest, I mean that literally lol.

I think all girls were in love with at least 1 or 2 different Disney characters when we were younger because I know I was-->Simba (don't judge me lol) and Hercules (did you SEE those muscles and smile?!)<--. Well I was browsing over at Taste Of A Poison Paradise and came across these wonderful pictures that make you think of Disney in a different light.

everyone's favorite frog: Prince Naveen

Our wonderful prince on a flying carpet: Aladdin

the other man who wanted Pocahontas' heart: Kocoum
and last but not least: the Greek God Hercules.
You can see the whole gallery over at David Kawena!!

Song of The Day

his one is a throwback song in honor of our wonderful r&b princess Aaliyah who's 31st birthday would have been a few days ago.

This is "No one knows how to love me quite the way you do"
**yeah I know stupid long title lol but the song is hot**
It's off of her first cd.


Mr. Right?...pt. III

This guy may actually be the one that I've been looking for and could never seem to find....I mean he actually seems to get me, as I am, and now what he thinks I am ya know? Things have been going really well between the 2 of us. I mean if we don't talk everyday, we'll at least text each other and keep in touch and if we don't...we can call/text a few days later and it feels as if no time had passed at all. With him working and both of us going to school, there really isn't a lot of time left for us to talk but we both seem to make the time which is good because I always seem to get off the phone with him, peaceful and smiling and I love that feeling....I needed him a few days ago to talk to about some things that were bothering me and even though he had to get up early the next day for work, he stayed up and talked to me until I felt better. Now THAT is what someone who really cares for you will do and I"m learning that more and more everyday thanks to him.

Umm...I think that's it for now lol. 

Ohhh! almost forgot: he's been trying his hardest to see me for my bday Friday and so Friday, we're going to spend time together and he said he's gonna try and find something special for us to do. *squeals* I"m too excited to see what happens lol.

21 years so far....

Well the big 2-1 bday is this Friday and while I can't help but be excited for it to get here, I can't help but think back on how much I've changed and grown over the years. I've become more secure in who I am as a person, I mean I'm never going to be a 'normal' type of girl and that's okay with me because I'd rather stand out than blend in any day of the week. My tolerance level for bulls**t is at an all new low which is why I tend to lose friends very quickly *shrugs* I'll be the first to admit that I"m a VERY opinionated person and I don't hesitate to speak my mind.

I've fallen in and out of love, had my heart-broken and learned from every single relationship. The quote "don't cry because it ended, smile because it happened" became my mantra in the relationship area b/c, all of them over the years have taught me different things and helped make me the person that I am today.

Overall...I can honestly say that if I had the chance to, I wouldn't go back and change a single thing from the ages of 13 until now. Everything that happened, happened for a reason and I wouldn't be who I am now if not for those things.

I can't wait for Friday to get here though!! My girls and I are going to bring my 21st bday in in a big way. Friday night it's going to be alcohol, music and each other<--that is how I wanna get down!! Saturday....ehh we haven't really decided yet but it's us so who knows?!!! and Sunday, bowling and daiquiris: this should be funny as fck because I've never been bowling before....or does bowling on the Wii count? lmao!

Newest Addition To The Fam


This is our new baby Snickers.
He's a Toy Poodle and he was a Christmas present.
He's about to be 3 months on the 31st of this month but he's already bad as hell and spoiled rotten!!


Prayers For Haiti

I....honestly don't have any words. To help with the recovery of Haiti, you can either make a donation to Yele Haiti or text 'Haiti' to 90999 to donate $10.

R.I.P. Teddy Pendergrass

My prayers and condolences are sent out to the family and friends of Teddy Pendergrass in their time of grievance.

He died January 13, 2009, at the age of 59, after a fight with cancer.

Paging Dr. Plies!!!

Okay I've got some things to say about this video here! 
1st off: Miss Keri Baby! I've never really been a big fan of her's but I'll admit in the video...her shoe game and her makeup is ON POINT!!
Doing the damn thing, she is.

Now onto Plies.....lawd save me!!

Give me the strength to not jump through this computer and give Plies the business. I don't usually go for dudes with tattoos and golds but he is he exception!!

Umm as a matter of fact I'm feeling all types of feverish right now.

*gets on intercom*
*clears throat*
Paging Dr. Plies to the emergency room! We have a code blue and only you can bring me back!!! 
No I have no shame. 
Yes I am in need. 
Yes I would go group status over Plies
Sue me


Many Wishes

I love you mommy!!
Wishing you all the happiness, joy and peace that you could ever have on this day. 


Attack of the ex

 This is really the L-A-S-T post for tonight or at least I hope so *rolls eyes* hopefully I won't be given a reason but with my life...ya never can tell.

Well, a few days ago I posted about my wonderful ex who decided to drop the L bomb on me. Of course that threw me for a loop. Well after putting it off for a few days, I finally asked him what made him tell me that after so long and his words were "because that's how I feel about you." <---sooo you choose now to tell me?!! Right when I've found somebody else to move on with?

I haven't decided what I'm going to do about this problem because, being me, I have to be 100% honest and real and admit that a part of me does still love him too. *sigh* celibacy and no relationships at ALL is sounding like a good plan right now.

Song of The Day

My 4th post in one day lol whoo-hoo I'm on a role!

Here's my newest song of the day by ms. Trina.

It's called That's My Attitude and it's off of her new album Amazing that drops June 8th.

Mr. Right?....part 2

Okay an update on me and my honey.

Things have been going good for the past few days but I'm still going at it cautiously ya know? I mean we were friends and if this doesn't work out, I want us to be able to remain friends.

I'll talk to him during the day and at night...we talk about almost anything that crosses either of our minds. lol I find it cute that he honestly had no idea that I was feeling him *shrugs* so obvious to all but him but ehh. He's determined to break me out of my shyness and even though I told him I doubt it happens, that he's more than welcome to try.

The most shocking part about all of this is: after all this time I most likely would have lost interest but no *smh* I'm still as interested as I was in the beginning.

Like he told me yesterday "I just wanna lay with you, cuddle and chill. Spend some QT with my baby."

Yeah I feel the same way *grins*

A little Honesty

This is going to be different from my other posts but it has to be said.

Excuse me for being blunt but I'm pissed off.

*clears throat*

95% of the time...I just don't give a fck okay?

Let me explain:

Usually I'm one of the most caring people that you will ever meet in this world. I take the time to listen to all of my friend's problems, be the support that they need and all of that other stuff<--of course that goes for my family as well<--.

BUT!!!! There does come a time when I've had enough of consoling someone over the same thing. Yes, I understand that we all experience lost and it's always hard to handle it but guess what? the world goes on and life goes with it. If everyone that had ever experienced a lost was unable to move on....we all would be stuck back in the cavemen days.

Maybe this is the bitch side of that I try to keep tucked away deep down inside of me but I'm at the point right now where...I don't care about it anymore. I have my own issues to deal with and I'm not crying on every available shoulder, now am I?

Sooner or later, we all have to learn to stand on our own two feet and handle our issues on our own.

If you can't....sorry but then you're officially fucked.


Diet Update

quick update on how the diet's going so far.

Well I've managed to lose 6 pounds so far, whoo!

*even with the occasional slip up of fast food lol*


Three Little Words *Updated*

and they've managed to bring me to a complete S-T-O-P.

So last night I was on the phone with my ex and the convo was going fine until we got ready to get off the phone. I went to hang up and he said "bae hold up"<--I don't really think anything of that because he's always called me that even after we broke up. The next words out of his mouth threw me for a loop though..."I love you".


There are 3 big problems with this whole situation. One is that I can honestly say that I still have feelings for him and can see myself falling in love with him again. The second is that I believe him because he's never been the type of person to say things that he didn't mean and wasn't true. and before you ask why that's bad #3 is that I'm already getting involved with someone and I don't want to hurt him.

*sigh* No point in stressing over it because that's only going to make it worse. Taking this one day at a time as well.

Mr. Right?....pt 1

soo for the first time in a long time, I feel like I'm actually involved with someone who sees me as I am and not who they perceive me to be...and actually has no problem with it. THAT is more refreshing than I can even begin to explain.

So a little background on this guy: we went to school together our freshman year and as soon as we met, we just clicked. After awhile it became obvious that we were both feeling more than just friendship for each other but *shrugs* things happen lol. Signals got crossed and we ended up not talking again until a year later after I ended my engagement<--that's another story for another time<--.

We started talking again and re-connecting and I started to remember what attracted to me in him in the first place. He's a complete sweetheart!! Oh my goodness, I used to have to drop hints for any of my ex's to ask about my day and he does it at the drop of a hat w/o any pushing. My biggest thing in a guy is honesty and he shows everyday that no matter what we're talking about, he's going to tell it like it is<--how hawt is that? A sense of humor gets you a long way in my book so that's yet another point for him. The biggest thing for me is that, even though we live in a city where going to college is considered "unnecessary" or "a waste of time", he's actually determined to make it with a degree and he's blessed with a good head on his shoulders...the only problem is that he's on the short side lmao! I mean I'm 5'0 so I can't really talk about someone being short but I stay in heels/ stilettos and I'm usually either his height or taller....but for once the height thing doesn't even matter to me.

I just wanted to put this out here that there's a prospect out there....we'll just take it one day at a time though and see how things unfold. *crosses fingers* hoping for the best with this one though, I am.


Time To Grind!!

This year I am DETERMINED to stick to my diet. It seems like every few months, I'll start a new diet and stick with it for a month and then 3 months later....I'll have dropped it *shrugs*.

Not this year though!!

I swear I've gone up 3 sizes since my junior year of high school which is really upsetting because for the longest I would NEVER gain any weight.

*sigh* damn senior stress and then the dreaded "Freshman 15".

This was me for junior prom (size 5)

and here's a pic of me now (size 8)
Yeah not that much of a difference but it's big enough for me to be upset so I'm going to use my blog everyday to keep track of the progress. *crosses finger* let's see what happens.

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